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⚓🌊Ever want to ride a Seahorse? Or have a Seahorse on your mittens?🌊⚓

Updated: Mar 26, 2024

Seahorses are awesome.  I will admit some disappointment when I saw my first live seahorse in an aquarium as a kid.  Wow, its so pretty but why is it so small?  Is it a baby?  For some reason I had it in my head that they were as big as land horses, or at least as big as dolphins. These beautiful little spiny horse-fish could fit in my hand.  But watching them bob around ever so delicate and regal I did not stay disappointed for long.


Apparently, there are over 45 species ranging in size of from my pinky nail to a banana.  Some can change their color and shape to blend into their surroundings and they can move their eyes independently.  Sounds more like a chameleon than a fish.  And despite seeming so fragile they are ranked as one of the deadliest carnivores in the oceans with a kill rate of 90%!  The Great White Shark only has a kill rate of 48%.


So with all that in mind I designed a Seahorse mitten pattern with Seahorses both big and small.

Sample Seahorse Mittens on a rock
Seahorse Mittens

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