One of my favourite designs I came up with is the “Hammerhead” mitten. Hammerhead sharks are by far my favorite. I just love how unique they look and they are really fun to knit up especially with a yarn that fades from dark blue to light in the background.
Like all kids in my generation we were scared out of our wits by the movie Jaws. Looking back, I’m surprised that our parents let us watch the film at such a tender age. To be fair it was the main feature (2nd movie) at the drive-in and they probably assumed that we would fast asleep by then. Queue up the very first scene with a pretty woman swimming in the ocean at night (NAKED no less, Holy Moley!) and the scariest music ever…duh-nah…duh-nah…duh-nah and under she goes like a little fishing bobber. ACK! Terrifying! I wouldn’t swim in the ocean for another decade, even though death by a coconut dropping on your head is more likely than death by apex ocean predator. Imagine that. But I digress.
Good news is despite the bad rap sharks have gotten by Hollywood and news media, today there are amazing people working hard to educate the world and conserve these fascinating creatures. There are awesome films out there like Sharkwater, Playing with Sharks and Shark Girl just to name a few. Or how about the vessel OCEARCH that tracks sharks for scientific research and education. I found out about them this summer when I picked up a bottle of Jeffersons Ocean Aged at Sea bourbon (YUM!) for my hubby’s birthday only to find out that the vessel the bourbon was aged on tracks sharks! How cool is that? Check them out!