Those who know me well have seen me knitting away at crazy socks and mittens for... I dunno... decades? I can't count how many times I've been aske d over the years, so do you sell those?
No, I say.
Well you should.
Selling hand-made mittens? Nah, that sounds like something I really love to do turning into work (a 4-letter word). But I could write a book. (Oops another 4-letter word) That would be so much easier right? Yikes, was I wrong on that.
Friends and family have been very supportive as I shove my limping progress at them to read and for that I am deeply grateful. Years have gone by and "the book" is still limping along... I haven't given up (Quit is another of those 4-letter words)
But maybe it was time to pivot. Let's try bite sized pieces. One pattern at a time instead of trying to tackle 30. Let's build a website and improve it along the way instead of trying to get everything perfect all at once.
So welcome to my 1st post! Every journey begins with the first step.